Finding My Purpose
I've been thinking a lot lately about what my purpose is. It's so easy to tie that in to "what I do". As in I run a small business, therefore I am a business owner, instructor, etc.
The trouble that happens for me is that linking my job to my purpose or identity starts to mean that I link my worth with how successful (or not!) my business is.
The reality is that whether or not I'm running my own business, whether or not I have more or less students than the year before, whether or not my business grows or fails, my purpose in life is still the same.
Yet it can be so hard sometimes to figure out what your purpose is regardless of what it is that you do for a living.
With the help of my therapist, and after a challenge to actually begin naming my characteristics, I was able to come up with at least a few to start:
It's been so helpful to see that part of my purpose is figuring out how to use these different parts of myself each day. No matter what my "work" looks like, these are an innate part of me and I will be more fulfilled by using my whole being.
God has created us all with unique attributes and desires. It's exciting to look ahead and ponder what that will look like in my life without needing to tie it all in to my job.
How do you fulfill your purpose each day?