Creating Consistency
I don't know about you, but in some areas of my life it's often very easy to be consistent in my efforts. In other areas, though, I seem to swing between gung-ho or not on my radar at all.
I've been doing some reading and podcast listening lately that has reminded me how important small, daily habits are towards reaching my long-term goals or desired outcomes. It makes daily tasks or bigger projects much easier when you work on something a little bit each day.
Housecleaning is a great example of this. It's so easy for me to ignore some daily or weekly cleaning tasks, but then that just turns it into a bigger project later on. If I just take a little bit of time each day, it keeps it from becoming overwhelming.
It's easy for me to think that completing something takes more time than it really does. I tend to do that even with projects I enjoy and want to do, like writing this blog. It really doesn't take that long to sit down and write out a few thoughts one day, edit another day, then add a picture. My initial plan was to publish approximately once a week - not that there is any requirement. However, it's so easy to make it something much bigger in my mind and then suddenly months go by without any writing.
I'm starting small and working on implementing some daily habits and routines that should help me develop the consistency I desire in my life. I'll be sharing these in more detail as I go through them and hopefully find what works best for me.
What do you do to be consistent in your life? I'd love for you to share your thoughts and ideas with me in the comments!