Fall Reflections
The leaves are starting to turn, the light is changing, the air is crisper each morning and evening, and the calendar has moved us into fall.
Each fall I find myself reflecting on the current year and looking ahead to what remains of it. It brings a moment to pause and consider what changes I see for myself in the coming year. While I do more specific goal planning at the beginning of the calendar year, fall feels like a great time for a a change.
Maybe it’s the years of working in education or seeing all the kids in my life return to school, but the changing of this season inspires me to set new routines and consider if there are changes I want to make in my daily life. You might be feeling something similar. Are you ready to create some new routines? Or maybe your kids are now in school all day and you’re considering changes to what your day looks like.
I’ve been finding it helpful to reflect on the wellness wheel to help me see which areas of my life need more attention. The wellness wheel looks at 8 areas of wellness: emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, environmental, financial, occupational, and social. I like to rate each area on a scale of 1-10 to notice what needs more attention. While it’s unlikely to have a 10 in each category, periodically checking in on each of these areas can help you identify what might need a bit more focus.
While it can be tempting to want to find something to improve in each of these areas, that can quickly become overwhelming to implement. Choose 1 or 2 areas to focus on at a time. For me right now, I want to focus more on spiritual and intellectual wellness. Some of my spiritual and art practices have fallen by the wayside and I want to bring those back into a more regular rhythm in my life.
What areas do you want to focus on this fall? Share in the comments below!
If you’re feeling stuck in your occupational wellness, schedule a free 15-minute chat today!